void TopSort(Graph g)
for (int i=0; i<vertexnum; i++)
vertex v = FindZeroIndegree(g);
if (v is not vertex)
cout <<"the graph has cycle"<<endl;
cout << v ;
foreach vertex w adjacent to v
同样以上图为例,对于该图进行拓扑排序会得到:v1 v2 v5 v4 v3 v7 v6 或者v1 v2 v5 v4 v7 v3 v6 。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 20 struct adjVertexNode { int adjVertexPosition; adjVertexNode* next; }; struct VertexNode { char data[ 2]; adjVertexNode* list; int indegree; }; struct Graph { VertexNode VertexNode[MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; int vertexNum; int edgeNum; }; void CreateGraph (Graph& g) { int i, j, edgeStart, edgeEnd; adjVertexNode* adjNode; cout << "Please input vertex and edge num (vnum enum):" <<endl; cin >> g.vertexNum >> g.edgeNum; cout << "Please input vertex information (v1) /n note: every vertex info end with Enter" <<endl; for (i= 0;i<g.vertexNum;i++) { cin >> g.VertexNode[i].data; // vertex data info. g.VertexNode[i].list = NULL; g.VertexNode[i].indegree = 0; } cout << "input edge information(start end):" <<endl; for (j= 0; j<g.edgeNum; j++) { cin >>edgeStart >>edgeEnd; adjNode = new adjVertexNode; adjNode->adjVertexPosition = edgeEnd- 1; // because array begin from 0, so it is j-1 adjNode->next=g.VertexNode[edgeStart- 1].list; g.VertexNode[edgeStart- 1].list=adjNode; //每增加一条边,则边的End顶点的入度加1 g.VertexNode[edgeEnd- 1].indegree++; } } void PrintAdjList( const Graph& g) { cout << "The adjacent list for graph is:" << endl; for ( int i= 0; i < g.vertexNum; i++) { cout<< g.VertexNode[i].data << "->"; adjVertexNode* head = g.VertexNode[i].list; if (head == NULL) cout << "NULL"; while (head != NULL) { cout << head->adjVertexPosition + 1 << " "; head = head->next; } cout << endl; } } VertexNode& FindZeroIndegree(Graph& g) { for ( int i= 0; i<g.vertexNum; i++) { if (g.VertexNode[i].indegree== 0) return g.VertexNode[i]; } return g.VertexNode[ 0]; } void TopSort(Graph& g) { cout << "The topsort is:" <<endl; for ( int i= 0; i<g.vertexNum; i++) { VertexNode& v = FindZeroIndegree(g); if (v.indegree!=NULL) cout << "The graph has cycle, can not do topsort"<<endl; // print graph as topsort. cout<< v.data << " "; // for each vertex w adjacent to v, --indegree adjVertexNode* padjv = v.list; while (padjv!=NULL) { //!!这个算法这里破坏了原图中的入度信息。最后入度均为1 g.VertexNode[padjv->adjVertexPosition].indegree--; padjv = padjv->next; } //避免入度信息均为零FindZeroIndegree找到删除的顶点,将删除的顶点入度置为1 v.indegree++; } cout << endl; } void DeleteGraph(Graph &g) { for ( int i= 0; i<g.vertexNum; i++) { adjVertexNode* tmp=NULL; while(g.VertexNode[i].list!=NULL) { tmp = g.VertexNode[i].list; g.VertexNode[i].list = g.VertexNode[i].list->next; delete tmp; tmp = NULL; } } } int main( int argc, const char** argv) { Graph g; CreateGraph(g); PrintAdjList(g); TopSort(g); DeleteGraph(g); return 0; }
从上面的代码能发现 FindZeroIndegree的时间复杂度为O(|V|),TopSort的时间复杂度为O(|V|2)
原因在于,每次删除顶点,只有邻接点需要调整入度,但 FindZeroIndegree却是遍历了所有顶点,甚至已经删除的顶点。
void TopSort2( Graph & g) { queue < VertexNode > q; for ( int i = 0; i < g . vertexNum; i ++) { if ( g . VertexNode [ i ]. indegree == 0) q . push( g . VertexNode [ i ]); } int count = 0; cout << "The topsort is:" << endl; while ( ! q . empty()) { VertexNode v = q . front(); q . pop(); cout << v . data << " "; count ++; adjVertexNode * padjv = v . list; while ( padjv != NULL) { //!!这个算法这里破坏了原图中的入度信息。最后入度均为1 if ( --( g . VertexNode [ padjv -> adjVertexPosition ]. indegree) == 0) q . push( g . VertexNode [ padjv -> adjVertexPosition ]); padjv = padjv -> next; } } if ( count != g . vertexNum) cout << "The graph has cycle, can not do topsort" << endl; }
内部的while循环最多执行|E|次,即每条边执行一次。队列对每个顶点最多执行一次操作,所以新算法的时间复杂度为O(|E|+|V|). 优于O(|V|2)因为拓扑图边数最多有n(n-1)/2,即O(|E|+|V|)<=O(|V|2)